i am constantly looking for the best way to get information out to you guys. i am hoping this format will please many of you.
as i thought about whether or not i wanted to create a blog for the store i began to see all the possibilities that a blog could bring. it is an easier format to change than the website. i can add pictures and information with the click of a button. so you will see some updates and changes to the website in the next few days as i begin to bring some of that constantly changing information to this blog.
another benefit of a blog is that i can let rachael post on here as well. so you will be able to see some of the great things that she has been doing. our goal is to post something 2-3 times a week, but in the beginning with the excitement of something new there may be new posts daily.
rachael and i have been brainstorming on new ideas and i have a new excitement that i hope you will be able to see in the store.